CMRT Combat Mission Red Thunder AAR film: Blunting the Spear

Combat Mission: Fortress Italy

2015-07-10 00:23:23 en 0


Something a bit different to my usual commentary; this is a film put together from a PBEM game I played with Rico of The Few Good Men. It is based on a scenario taken from a multiplayer campaign run by Rico. The campaign, called The Cross of Iron, has now concluded so unfortunately this will be the first and only AAR produced from the series. The campaign was played out over numerous scenarios, in a similar style to single player campaigns - except (of course) it was two player! I played as the German commander. Rico played 'in character' as the Soviet commander, performing his role brilliantly, adopting an aggressive style in the best of Soviet armoured warfare traditions. In this battle his forces' objective was a crossroads, but the scenario dictated that the Russians were unaware of the Germans' presence to begin with. The scenario unfolds into a huge tank K.O. fest. The question is can the German commander, Odin, and his men repulse the Soviet onslaught? If you're a Combat Miss...
