CGRgameplay - CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2 (XBOX 360) Level 1 Walkthrough Part 1

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2



Classic Game Room presents a CGRgameplay walkthrough for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for the Xbox 360. Released in 2009, Modern Warfare 2 gave a perfect polish to the already stellar Modern Warfare series. Also available for the PS3, Wii, and others, it is one of the top selling games of all time. The campaign revolves around 2 characters, each determined to stop a Russian attack on the United States, as well as the threat of World War 3. Level 1 introduces Private Allen as your first character. You will be tasked with fighting through back alleys to drive terrorists out of an Afghan city, so be ready to move in close quarters! Featuring gameplay and commentary from CGR's Gabe.
