Attack of Crap Games on [PC] nr10 : Close Combat First to Fight

Close Combat: First to Fight

2011-05-14 00:15:53 en 0


Close Combat First to Fight is a fairy old game from 2005 that failed in the Ai , music and plot department [did i mention it has no tutorial ,only 3 videos forcing you to sit though 15min of instructions]... it wanted to be a game promoting the U.S Marines but well failed ... they even ported it to Wii and released it in November 10, 2009... ... are you kidding me... guess Wii users take any shit To summary my opinion about it , its a boring crappy game with no tutorial [you have to sit though 15min of TUTORIAL VIDEOS], here a random comment about this game that nailed the whole game from some random user "a real marine would play this and laugh their balls off cause its so retarded"
