Angry Birds Under Pigstruction - Chapter 1 Chef Pig BOSS LEVEL 1-10 All 3 Star Walkthrough Part 1

Angry Birds Under Pigstruction

2015-03-06 00:07:18 en 0


Angry Birds Under Pigstruction - Chapter 1 Cobalt Plateaus Chef Pig BOSS LEVEL 1-10 All 3 Star Walkthrough Part 1 Angry Birds Under Pigstruction By Rovio Entertainment Check out our Website! ► Click Here To Subscribe! ► Facebook ► Angry Birds Under Pigstruction - Unlocked Golden Duck BOSS LEVEL Chef Pig The Angry Birds are back! Join your favorite feathered heroes on an all-new adventure as they storm Piggy Island to rescue their poor eggs (again)! ANGRY BIRDS UNDER PIGSTRUCTION The Angry Birds are back! Join your favorite feathered heroes on an all-new adventure as they storm Piggy Island to rescue their poor eggs (again)! But this time is different – the island is under pigstruction and the pigs are building super challenging multi-stage levels that require new ways of logic, skill and force to win. **Angry Birds: Under Pigstruction is optimized for iPhone 5, iPad 3, iPad mini and iPod Touch 5...
