Age Of Empires Online Gameplay Walkthrough NO COMMENTARY #001 HD

Age of Empires Online

2013-08-04 00:12:11 en 0


► Enjoy this SILENT Age of Empires Online Walkthrough ► Link to part 1: ► Thanks for watching. Subscribe for daily SILENT HD-Gameplays! Age of Empires Online is the next chapter in the best-selling Age of Empires PC game franchise features some of the greatest ancient civilizations including the Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, and Celts, with more being introduced all the time, and offers more than hundreds of hours of gameplay for free! And that's just where the experience starts! As players grow their empires and look for new adventures, Age of Empires Online delivers the opportunity to buy new Premium Content Packs -- everything from entirely new civilizations to Booster Packs with new game modes and more. It's the biggest Age of Empires game ever. What's more, Age of Empires Online adds new social interaction, customization, and MMORPG gameplay in an evolving and persistent world. Play co-operatively or competitively, craft and trade items, and lev...
