Age of Empires 3 - 03 - Pirates! Walkthrough PC

Age of Empires III

2014-12-05 00:38:08 en 0


Age of Empires 3 - 03 - Pirates! Walkthrough Gameplay Playthrough PC Hard Difficulty Primary Objectives: -Build a Town Center. -Build a Barracks and a Dock. -Find and collect three Navigation Charts. Secondary Objectives: -Build a second Town Center. (200 XP) Age of Empires III is a real-time strategy video game developed by Microsoft Corporation's Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Game Studios. The Mac version was ported over and developed and published by Destineer's MacSoft Games. The PC version was released on October 18, 2005 in North America and November 4, 2005 in Europe, while the Mac version was released on November 21, 2006 in North America and September 29, 2006 in Europe. An N-Gage version of the game developed by Glu Mobile was released on April 28, 2009. It is the third game of the Age of Empires series and the sequel to Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings. The game portrays the European colonization of the Americas, between approximately 1492 and 1850 AD ...
