Ace Combat 5 Playthrough - Mission 27+: 'The Unsung War'

Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War

2011-09-27 00:14:08 en 0


With the SOLG control system destroyed thanks to the Razgriz's efforts, the Belkan's plans appear all but in ruin. However, a little piece of programming in the SOLG's subroutines threatens the Osean capital, Oured, with wide-scale destruction akin to disaster movies. With this final danger waiting for no man, the Razgriz take to the skies for the last time in order to save the lives of thousands, and to finally settle a score with their two nemeses, the squadrons of Ofnir and Grabacr. Quite the monumental event for New Year's Eve of 2010, wouldn't you think so? And that brings the AC5 campaign playthrough to a close. My thanks to all of those who have stayed with this and watched. But stay tuned! I haven't shown the whole game yet, an Arcade Mode playthrough is already rendered and ready for uploading! The Arcade Mode playthrough will be in seven parts, each part demonstrating the missions from certain branches. I just noticed that this has been uploaded on September 2...
