01. Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault - Realistic Difficulty Walkthrough - Intro & Boot Camp

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

2013-01-12 00:28:03 en 0


Welcome to my HD guide for this World War II game in Realistic difficulty. In these videos I complete all hidden objectives and hero moments. They also provide you with a full storyline with all cinematics. In Realistic difficulty enemies are smarter and more accurate when shooting. You will also get into dying status after only one rifle shot, so you need to learn how to cover properly and interact with your team more. Also for the most part of the game your paramedic has only one med pack, so be careful. A way to conserve ammo is to pick up enemy weapons when you're going to be shooting from a spot for a period of time, then when you have to move, retrieve your own weapon. I use this tactic because the American weapons like the M1 Garand, Thompson SMG, are stronger and better than the enemy weapons. And make sure you don't miss any ammo pickups. I will also upload in a different playlist all the supplemental videos that come with the game, about the WWII and the making of this game...
